In the classroom
Languages United wants our students to experience the best learning environment possible. We do not tolerate bad and disruptive behaviour in the classroom.
Students should follow the Rules and Consequences procedure which is displayed in each classroom. The rules are:
Be on time
Respect other students
Hands up (to answer a question)
No shouting
If you consistently break these rules or are generally disruptive we will take further action which includes: giving you a warning, being moved, speaking to your parents and the school Director.
Chewing gum is not permitted in class.
More information:
Mobile phones and tablets/iPads
Mobile phones and laptops/tablets are becoming more and more important and integrated into teaching practice. At Languages United we encourage the use of technology in teaching and we understand that mobile phones, tablets and iPads form part of this. However, the key is appropriate use.
Teachers may ask you to put your phone face down when not in use or even put away in your bag, and to switch on Do Not Disturb.