Values and
 Code of Conduct
Please watch the video above about our values and the code of conduct for everyone at the school.
Smoking and illegal drugs
Under UK law it is illegal to buy tobacco products, such as cigarettes and vapes, unless you are 18 years old.
No smoking or vaping is allowed in the school or on activities arranged by the school.
Adults (over-18) are permitted to smoke and vape outside on the pavement.
Please be considerate to others and do not litter. Cigarette butts should be disposed of in the bin provided or in personal ashtrays.The possession, consumption, or attempt to buy illegal drugs, such as marijuana, while studying at LU will mean immediate cancellation of your course. Your group leader and parents will be asked to arrange your travel home without any refund of fees.
Physical closeness or sexual activity (Age of Consent)
In the UK the law says that both people must give their consent before any physical closeness or sexual activity.
It is illegal for anyone over the age of 18 to have any sexual activity with someone under 16. This applies to both men and women, whether they are of the same or the opposite sex.